Office Interior Image Gallery

The design team took inspiration from the company’s logo, which features a stylized tree. The office is organized around a central atrium, the wall makes a bold statement and reinforces the brand identity. The workspaces are designed to be efficient and productive, with plenty of warm light and ergonomic furniture. The meeting rooms are designed to be collaborative and inspiring, with comfortable seating and state-of-the-art technology.

The custom furniture was designed to complement the overall design of the office. The desks are made of sustainably sourced wood and feature sleek, modern lines. The chairs are comfortable and supportive, and the tables are made of durable materials that can withstand heavy use.

The finished office is a stylish and functional space that reflects the company’s brand identity. It is a place where employees can be productive and creative, and where clients can feel welcome and inspired.

Key features of the project:

  • Central atrium with spot and warm light
  • The prominent use of the company’s logo on the wall makes a bold statement and reinforces the brand identity.
  • Efficient and productive workspaces
  • Collaborative and inspiring meeting rooms
  • Custom furniture made of sustainably sourced materials

Benefits of the project:

  • Increased productivity and creativity
  • Improved employee morale
  • Enhanced brand identity
  • Increased client satisfaction

Project Diversity

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